dagens bild på damon !


gifs på katherine pierce


en bild på nina som vamyr och det hon skrev på twitter

Nina Dobrev twittrar - “She doesn’t want to eat people, so she’s hungry — and moody

vampire diaries posters säsong 4 :)

hejsan jag vet att jag har lagt ut detta två gånger men jag hittar lite nytt i dag :D. hoppas ni gillar det,ni kan oxå kommentera om ni tycker att jag ska skriva mer om annat än TVD :D. för om ni skriver att ni vill ha mer av nått så försöker jag fixa det :)
jag vet att alla va med elena men det kommer ju bli en stor förändring med henne
i säsong 4. att hon blir vampyr <3

damon salvatore citat !


col and rebekah scene !

haha denhär scene är så rolig <3 !

tylor and caroline scene

en av mina favorit scener med tyler och caroline

katherine and damon scene 2x07

Katherine: “Why do you think I haven’t killed her? Because she’s the doppelganger. She needs to be protected.”
Damon: “Then I’ll protect her … while you rot in hell.”

dagens video

dagens bild

taylor and caroline <3

dagens två fina vampire diaries låtar :)

bilder bakom kulisserna av vampire diaries !:D

här sitter alla fina människor i TVD och pluggar på sina repliker :) !

pictures kat graham

Fotos do muralFotos do mural
Fotos do muralFotos de capa
Kat Graham (KatGraham) su TwitterTumblr
Twitter / Imagens recentes de @TeamTVDamonDiary of a Short Girl: Outfits Inspired by Kat Graham's Put Your Graffiti On Me Video
det var lite bilder på fina kat ! :)

vampire diaries tjejerna tar ett dopp

nina pratar om säsong 4 !

So, how does it feel to be a vampire?
Nina Dobrev: I've already been a vampire, technically. I was Katherine, so I'm actually kind of sad! I liked being both! I walked around set bragging about how I got to be both characters, like I get to be human and a vampire. I had the best of both worlds, but now I have no bragging rights. No street cred on set!
How do you think Katherine will react to Elena being a vampire now??
Nina Dobrev: She's gonna be pissed. She's not going to be happy. She was hoping that the Salvatore brothers would, you know, they'd experience their, um, that they'd get over the fad of Elena for one lifetime, and she'd be back on track with the boys. But now she's screwed.
Was it always the plan for Elena to become a vampire?
Nina Dobrev: It was definitely a plan, it was just a matter of when. I mean, it happened in the books, so it was definitely gonna happen in the show. And I think at one point, there was talk of it happening in season two, and I'm glad that they waited until season three.
How do you think it's going to change her relationships with her friends? I mean, obviously, the relationship with Damon and Stefan is bound to change. I mean, Caroline's a vampire, so--
Nina Dobrev: I mean, yeah. Caroline kind of was accepted by the group as a vampire. I think everyone's just going to be sad. They've just spent three years, or three seasons-- I don't know how long that is in the show-- but they've just spent all this time doing everything in their power to protect her. And now she's a vampire. So, I guess now she can protect herself.
How would you describe Elena as a vampire?
Nina Dobrev: Still figuring it out.
Do you know how you're going to play her, though?
Nina Dobrev: We've only shot three days. And so, we're still trying-- I mean, when I got the show, I was trying to figure out who Elena was as a human, and I had a lot of time to do that, and same with Katherine. She was introduced slowly, so it's just going to be, like, figuring out how she is. She's definitely going to be very different.
Do you think Elena will ever find out that she did meet Damon first?
Nina Dobrev: When you become a vampire, your compelled memories come back to you. So, yes! She will. Is
that going to be an interesting conversation?
Nina Dobrev: Oh yeah. We did shoot that, and it was interesting. You'll see it! You'll see it!
Is it in the premiere?
Nina Dobrev: It's in the first couple of episodes, yeah.
What else can fans expect this season?
Nina Dobrev: Honestly, I just-- we literally just started shooting. So I have no spoilers for you, unfortunately.
Do you know personally what your character arc is this season? Were you told that?
Nina Dobrev: No. I didn't even know I was gonna be a vampire until two or three episodes before.
Are you reading the script, and that's your only-- they don't pull you aside?
Nina Dobrev: Yeah, no because I don't think they even know what's gonna happen in two or three episodes from now. They're kind of figuring it out. I mean, they do. They start off with a plan, but then something changes, somebody comes up with a brilliant idea, and then it just completely rears off into a different direction. So it's ever changing. That's the beauty of television, you get to explore the life for a long time.
What would you like to see happen to her?
Nina Dobrev: I'd like for her to become, as a vampire-- realize that now she's independent, and she can do her own thing. Just prepare for awhile, and go to Europe, and go crazy. Because it's kind of like a college experience! You go to high school, and you're finally let out of the house, and you have an interesting, fun college time. So this is going to be her coming-of-age, college experience.
Do you think she'll miss anything about being human?
Nina Dobrev: Everything. She didn't want to be a vampire. She's gonna, I imagine she's going to be sad that she'll never be able to have kids. And she'll never get married and have a normal life, and just go to college. She'll never have that, ever again. And that's all she wanted. She was constantly trying to hold onto her humanity, and now it's gone forever.
Is Klaus, I mean she's not human anymore, she can't be his doppleganger. Is he still a threat to her when we come back into season four? Or is she dealing with other stuff?
Nina Dobrev: He's always a threat. Klaus will always be a threat, he's the biggest, baddest vampire. Or is he? But I don't know in what way. He's definitely going to be pissed off.
Is he pissed off a her? Or is he pissed off at--
Nina Dobrev: I don't know.
Will Elena be able to look out for Jeremy now that she has all this new drama in her life?
Nina Dobrev: Yeah, of course! I mean, she's gonna try. The beauty is, Jeremy's become a man too. He's grown up so much. He's starting to come into his own, and he's starting to make his own decisions, which is really cool for him. But he's always going to be Elena's little brother. Always, always, always. I mean, your emotions are heightened, and your feelings, characteristics are heightened as a vampire. So, one of her biggest characteristics was she was compassionate, caring, and selfless. So that might almost, you know, to her detriment as a vampire, she will never want to-- she will never let her-- she will always be protecting her little brother.
Are you still having fun on this show? Still fun to shoot?
Nina Dobrev: Yeah! Yeah, because everyday is so different, and I get to do so many different things. Like, I joke around and say it's 'actors bootcamp.''Because I've done action, drama... I've done underwater things, we've done stunts. There's just so many cool things, it's really fun.

delena and stelena videos ! :D


rolig scene TVD

dagens citat


Ian and nina !

hejsan nu kommer lite bilder på Ian och nina. aww dom är sååååå söta tillsammans ! <3

true love ! ♥

damons face ! <3 this i strue love i think. (Dangerous Liaisons 3x14)

några bilder på vampire diaries gänget (black and white)

 se till att ha det awsome nu ! ♥
TumblrMagic Floating
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joseph morgan
det var några av dom som är med i vampire diaries :) men det finns många fler. jag kanske kommer
göra en till med dom jag inte tog med ! :D  (vad heter han som spelar cole michelsen) ? det har jag udrat jätte länge och någon vet kan ni vell kommentera är ni snälla <3 !!!!

vidioklipp när dom tränar undervattens scenerna !

nu kommer två videoklipp på när dom tränar undervattens scenerna. i sista avsnittet av säsong tre i vampire diaries så klart :)!

lite vampire diaries bilder ! ♥♥

hejsan alla läsare ♥ hoppas ni har haft en awsome lördag. själv har den vart bra jag har haft gäster ett tag det var jätte roligt :). nu ska jag nog hjälpa till att packa lite och sen får vi se om jag gör något mer. kanske sova ;) 
som ni ser på bilderna så är jag både stelena och delena fan :) !

är det bara jag som tänker på rebekah ?

när jag hör denhär låten så tänker jag alltid på rebekah i vampire dairies. jag har ingen anning om varför.
och då är min fråga är det bara jag ? :O

funny vampire diaries ^^

det var några vidios på lite vampire diaries humor ^^ se till att ha en bra dag nu ! :D

dagens delena video! <3


dagens vampire diaries gifs ! <3

aww! jeremy<3 hur tror ni det kommer att vara för honom när elena blir vampyr ? :O
vad tror ni ? <3

kärleks triangeln klaus,caroline,och tyler !

Wetpaint Entertainment: As far as Klaus is in Tyler's body. What happens next?
Julie Plec: What happens next is some awkward, ill‑timed, mischievous and otherwise naughty high jinks that begin and end quickly enough to still be fun, but definitely make Caroline very indignant.
So Klaus is definitely taking advantage of the fact that he is in Tyler's body?
I don't think he necessarily means to take advantage of that, but there is a moment in which — there is a shirt that comes off under false pretenses. So we'll just leave it at that.

Michael Trevino already said that Tyler comes back into his own body fairly soon. Are we done with Joseph Morgan?
No. Joseph Morgan will be right back. The minute Tyler's back in his own body, Joseph will be back in his. A little bit charred and worse for the wear, but he's a vampire, he can heal.

What should we know about the Tyler, Caroline, and Klaus triangle?
I think the important thing to know is that Caroline loves Tyler deeply. Caroline, especially after the first episode, will continue to loathe Klaus in spite of her strange fascination with him that sneaks in every now and then. Klaus is not giving up on Caroline, but he's by no means going to be a sick puppy dog. In fact, I think, he's going to get some perverse pleasure out of seeking alternate means to drive a wedge between Caroline and Tyler over the course of the season. So it's a slow play. He's a long-term thinker, Klaus.
själv gillar jag caroline och tyler tillsammans ! <3

några gifs från vampire diaries ! :)

så sant så två bröder men så olika. men två saker har dom gemensamt 1:båda bryr sig om varandra 
2: och båda älskar henne vad som en händer.

dagens bild på nina dobrev !

lista på dom snyggaste i vampire d ! <3

nu kommer jag göra en lista från 1-5 på dom snyggaste killarna i vampire diaries
1: Ian somarhalder
2: paul wesley
3: michael trevino
4: Steven R. McQueen
5:Zach Roerig
(det finns fler snygga killar i vampire d fast dethär va en lista på dom jag tycker är snyggast)

dagens bild på dom i vampire diaries :)

hittade bilden när jag letade efter säsong 4 poster. tycker den va bra för nästan alla va me :D

några fler säsong 4 posters ^^ !

det var lite nya bilder från säsong 4 som jag hittade på google <3

mer spoilers !:D

Julie Plec har nyligen blivit intervjuvad av Wetpaint, och såklart finns det spoilers i intervjun! Vi får svar på om hur mycket Elena kommer minnas, om det hon minns får henne att ändra sitt val som hon gjorde i säsongsfinalen och vad det värsta är som hon kommer minnas.
Wetpaint Entertainment: In the season finale, you introduced the fact that she met Damon before she met Stefan. That must signify something? Julie Plec: Well, yes. By no means is Elena so literal as do take takebacks on her choice. But I think in the overall context of her connection to Damon and their friendship and their relationship with each other, it's just more information that she didn't have that reminds her that he's growing into — and has grown already into — a very special person in her life.
Are all the compulsions gone? She's going to remember every single time she was compelled? Yeah.
What's the worst thing that she's going to remember? Well, the two things that we already know that we saw, that Damon gave up his chance at her when he gave her necklace back, and that Damon met her first. I think that gives us enough to play with for a little while. There's no deep, dark skeletons of compulsion, thank God, because, boy, would that be traumatic.
So there’s always hope for Team Damon? We are a television series about two men that love the same girl. There is always hope for everybody

vems blod ?

är det bara jag som undrar vems blod som gjorde elena till vampyr? då får ni svaret här nere :)
So, whose blood was it that turned Elena into this overly compassionate bloodsucker? All bloodlines lead back to Klaus :Joseph Morgan), right? That’s what the Original told Damon in Season 3, and at the TCA Press Tour, CW president Mark Pedowitz said, “It's Damon's blood which helped [turn Elena], but they never discovered who their sire was in any of the things. They think it's Klaus, but they're not sure.”
Som ni kanske kommer ihåg sprutade Meredith in vervain i Damon så att han blev medvetslös, och då passade hon på att ta lite av hans blod för att kunna hjälpa hennes patienter

roliga vampire diaries avsnitt !<3

hahahahaha alltid damon !
On The Vampire Diaries Weve Heard That Damon Salvatore Is The Vampire
så sant damon så sant ! asså det han sa om kathrine
hahahaha ! <3 dör
det va lite skoj hoppas att ni gillar !

citat av damon salvatore ! <3


är det bara jag som saknar lexi

hejsan är det bara jag som saknar att lexi inte är med i vampire diaries. ja jag vet att hon dog i säsong 1 eller va det 2
jag blandar alltid i hop dom det är ett tecken på att jag har kollat på säsong 1 och 2 såå mycke <3

lite bilder på Ian,nina and paul ! :D

Paul Wesley, Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder
det va lite bilder hoppas ni gillar ! <3:D

dagens vampire diaries citat ! <3

aww ! damon <3

bakom kulisserna av vampire diaries :)

hoppas ni gillar <3 ! jag kan bara säga att alla kläder va helt awsome ! :)

comic-con trailer vampire diaries<3

jag sökte runt lite på youtube i går,och började kolla på en intervju dom hade med vampire diaries gäget. innan dom började prata så hade dom gjort en trailer. den va awsome så nu ska ni få se den !
hoppas ni gillar den ha en bra dag !

dagens bild damon och elena

haha damon salvatore ! <3:)

lyssnar på låtar från vampire diaries :)

hejsan jusst nu håller jag på att lyssnar på vampire diaries låtar !:D fan vad jag längtar till säsong 4 kan den inte börja snart !! <333. i dag har jag nt gjort så mycke ja har typ bara suttit hemma vid datan,snart kommer vell mamma med något nytt från kista :). 
men jag skulle vela gå på bio någon dag,det va ju länge sen och det skulle vara awsome att komma i väg. för nu sitter jag typ bara hemma vid datan och latar mig ! TRÅKIGT tycker jag värkligen att det är, men jag får se till att hitta på något roligt jag håller ju t.ex på med mitt bloggfixande det kommer bli awsome när det e klart då ska jag nog starta en ny awsome blogg. ny blogg nya möjligheter så tänker jag i alla fall <3
men se till att ni får en awsome dag. alla fina läsare ^_^ ! <3
vampire diaries ! <3 alltid lika bra och roligt ! awsome serie säger jag bara ! <3

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