damon poster + spoilers
varning STOR SPOILER on major dead
damon (Ian somerhalder) is wearing a noose, holding the rope in his bloody hands. “Give him enough rope...” the text reads

If there’s one thing we can say about Damon, it’s that he’ll do anything for elena (nina dobrev). The elder Salvatore doesn’t want the cure — but Ian Somerhalder says she certainly does. Something tells us becoming human again won’t be as simple as popping an aspirin, and if it requires a sacrifice, Damon just might be willing to volunteer.
This wouldn’t be nearly as foreboding if Nina Dobrev hadn’t just told E! online that something “tragic” is coming that will affect Damon, Elena, and stefan (paul wesley).
This wouldn’t be nearly as foreboding if Nina Dobrev hadn’t just told E! online that something “tragic” is coming that will affect Damon, Elena, and stefan (paul wesley).
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