mer spoilers !:D
Julie Plec har nyligen blivit intervjuvad av Wetpaint, och såklart finns det spoilers i intervjun! Vi får svar på om hur mycket Elena kommer minnas, om det hon minns får henne att ändra sitt val som hon gjorde i säsongsfinalen och vad det värsta är som hon kommer minnas.
Wetpaint Entertainment: In the season finale, you introduced the fact that she met Damon before she met Stefan. That must signify something? Julie Plec: Well, yes. By no means is Elena so literal as do take takebacks on her choice. But I think in the overall context of her connection to Damon and their friendship and their relationship with each other, it's just more information that she didn't have that reminds her that he's growing into — and has grown already into — a very special person in her life.
Are all the compulsions gone? She's going to remember every single time she was compelled? Yeah.
Are all the compulsions gone? She's going to remember every single time she was compelled? Yeah.
What's the worst thing that she's going to remember? Well, the two things that we already know that we saw, that Damon gave up his chance at her when he gave her necklace back, and that Damon met her first. I think that gives us enough to play with for a little while. There's no deep, dark skeletons of compulsion, thank God, because, boy, would that be traumatic.
So there’s always hope for Team Damon? We are a television series about two men that love the same girl. There is always hope for everybody